International Symposia of Reliable Flow of Particulate Solids, Skien (Norway) – 13-15 June 2017
Our IbD partner Tel-Tek is co-organising the fifth edition of the RELPOWFLO symposium. The series of International Symposia of Reliable Flow of Particulate Solids, “RELPOWFLO”, was started in 1985 in Bergen, Norway and organised by Powder Science Technology (“POSTEC”) research group in cooperation with the Working Party on Mechanics of Particulate Solids (WPMPS) of the…
International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Florence (Italy) – 22-27 May 2016
Since 1991, ICMF is the largest international forum to present and discuss progress in research, development, standards, and applications of the topics related to multiphase flows. The conference will bring together graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, university faculty, and researchers across government and industry to share the latest developments in the field. More information: www.aidic.it/icmf2016/
Industry is turning four!
Led by an ever-increasing pace of information technologies-driven transformations, industries are forced to continuously adapt and reinvent themselves and their processes to remain competitive. This recent raise of digital transformation of the industrial sector is more and more referred to as the Industry 4.0. This term refers to the fourth industrial revolution based on cyber-physical…
Press Release about IbD published by Freeman Technology
The IbD project partner Freeman Technology published an article about IbD in his corporate website. Click here to read the post.
[:en]Procesos industriales más eficientes con el proyecto europeo IbD[:]
[:en]http://www.cicconstruccion.com/es/notices/2015/11/procesos-industriales-mas-eficientes-con-el-proyecto-europeo-ibd-67824.php#.VrbWQtDmnUl El proyecto europeo IbD (Intensified by Design), una iniciativa pionera con un “enfoque intensificado hacia el diseño”, se acaba de poner en marcha tras la reunión de inicio celebrada en la sede de la firma Iris, entidad coordinadora del proyecto. En el transcurso de los próximos tres años, los miembros de este nuevo proyecto…
[:en]A pioneering “intensified-by-design approach” to boost industrial implementation of Process Intensification[:]
[:en] IbD project was launched with a Kick Off session celebrated in October at IRIS facilities European process industries have a clear and urgent interest in improved resource efficiency due to the high dependence in their production on energy, utilities and raw materials. Over the course of the next 3 years, a new Innovation Project,…
[:en]ITC avanza en procesos industriales más eficientes[:]
[:en]El Mundo Castellón (sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2015) IbD, un proyecto pionero con un «enfoque intensificado hacia el diseño», en el que participa el Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC) y la empresa Euroatomizado SA, entre otros, se acaba de poner en marcha tras la reunión de inicio celebrada en la sede de la firma…